
除了明显的环境责任影响, here are some reasons why direct deposit is the best method to receive student refunds:
  1. 方便! (especially if your classes are online and/or do not meet on the 南校区)
  2. 更少的延迟! (eliminates waiting on a check to arrive in the mail and/or waiting in line)
  3. 更少的担心! (Checks are sometimes lost in the mail, particularly due to an incorrect or incomplete address.)
  4. 不中断! (您可以在公布日期获得退款, 不管恶劣的天气或其他不可预见的情况.)
  5. 早期体验的潜力! (虽然不能保证, 您可以在公布日期之前获得退款, 这取决于你们银行的政策和程序. 无论如何, 当银行假期发生在公布的退款日期, 您的存款在前一个工作日有效.)
  6. 不要错过! (If you are ever due a refund of which you are not aware, it will automatically be deposited.)
You sign up by filling out an online form that is accessible after logging into myag娱乐官网.
  1. 有两种访问表单的简单方法:(a) 登录myag娱乐官网银行信息. (b)从myag娱乐官网主页,点击银行信息贴片.
  2. 点击“+添加帐户”链接.
  3. 点击滑块激活.
  4. Enter an Effective Date (the current date is default, but it can be set for a future date).
  5. 单击Next并在显示的表单中输入您的银行帐户详细信息.
  6. 请阅读条款及细则,并在方格内打勾以表示同意.
  7. 单击Submit.
  8. 银行帐户将显示为“未验证”。.
一般, newly entered information is processed every Monday morning and sent to ag娱乐官网’s bank for pre-notification.
  1. This is a test for viability required by ag娱乐官网’s bank and allowable according to National Automated Clearing House Association (NACHA) regulations.
  2. 第二天就完全启动了.
  3. A $0.00笔交易可能会显示在您的银行账户活动上. (这是一个好迹象.)
  4. 接收金融机构.e., 你的银行或信用合作社, is required to respond within three banking days if there is an issue with the account information, 还是按照NACHA的规定.
  5. The bank account will display as “Verified” on myag娱乐官网 after the process to test the information has started. 虽然不常见,但您的金融机构可能会报告一个问题.
  6. Accounts are considered fully active if no issue has been reported during the three-day waiting period; normally, that is the Friday following the Monday the process was initiated (please see above).
  7. A delay may, however, occur, particularly when a banking holiday falls on Monday.
ag娱乐官网人员不能更改您的银行信息, 因此,只有在极少数情况下报告了问题时,才会删除这些信息.
  1. You will receive a message via your ag娱乐官网 email account to notify you an issue has been reported, 你的账户信息已经从"北城"系统中删除了.
  2. The email message will also contain instructions to resubmit your banking information if desired.
是的, your form must be submitted by the Sunday of the week prior to the anticipated refund date.
  1. This is approximately ten calendar days prior to each scheduled refund date.
  2. The prenotification process is generally initiated at the open of business each Monday morning.
  3. 请注意:这是一个巨大的改进,我们以前的系统, which required banking information to be submitted up to three weeks prior to a scheduled refund date.
不幸的是, the only way to sign up for a direct deposit for student refunds is via the online Banking Information form located on myag娱乐官网.
  1. 如果你需要帮助, please come to the Student Accounts office (Room M182 on the 南校区).
  2. Please ensure you have your bank’s routing number and your bank account number. 你还需要知道你的账户类型是支票还是储蓄.
  3. We have a student terminal located in the inner portion of our office (to maintain privacy) and would be happy to assist you in any way possible.
一般的答案是否定的. If nothing has changed, it should not be necessary to complete the form again.
  1. 然而, 如果你是在2020年秋季学期之前注册的, 银行信息没有从我们以前的系统中转移.
  2. 小贴士:如果你不确定, 请在myag娱乐官网的“银行信息”中查看您的账户信息.
Simply access the Banking Information tile on myag娱乐官网 to change accounts.
  1. 您可以选择和停用您先前提交的银行帐户。.
  2. 您可以使用上述相同的步骤添加新帐户.
  3. Please allow sufficient time for prenotification before the new account is fully active (see above).
简而言之,你需要联系学生会计办公室. If you are indeed due a refund on that date, the course of action will be:

  1. 请发送电子邮件至学生帐户 studentaccounts@skygame168.net, stating the details of your specific issue and including your name and student identification number. 或者,你可以访问学生会计办公室.
  2. The best course of action can then be determined for the refund in question.
  3. 一般, refunds are finalized the Friday prior to the scheduled date during fall and spring terms. 如果直接存款文件尚未产生和传送, either you can deactivate the bank account (see above) or we can remove the information from our system.
  4. 不管, it is advisable you follow the steps above to add your updated banking information as soon as possible.
  5. 在预通知过程完成后, direct deposit will once again be activated on your account as the elected method of receiving student refunds.

Like above, you can deactivate your bank account via the Banking Information section of myag娱乐官网.
  1. 要确保您的信息被永久删除,请发送电子邮件 studentaccounts@skygame168.net stating your intention to remove previously submitted banking information and include your name and student identification number. 另外,你也可以去学生会计办公室.
  2. 如果这是在退款日期前的星期五之前完成的, 我们将为您的退款出具纸质支票, 如果有的话.
  3. 即使你错过了截止日期, 尽快通知我们是值得的, 因为我们也许还能满足这个要求.
  4. 也, 如果您再次决定选择通过直接存款获得退款, 请按照上述相同的程序添加银行信息.
尽管采取了预防措施,但这种情况还是会发生. A good course of action is to contact your bank; an internal resolution may be possible. It is very helpful to keep Student Accounts informed of any updates to the situation. If this is not possible and ag娱乐官网 has already transmitted the direct deposit file, 发生以下过程:
  1. ag娱乐官网’s bank will attempt the deposit to your bank, also known as the receiving bank.
  2. 然后,接收银行最多有三天的时间对该尝试做出响应.g.,表示目的账户已关闭).
  3. 然后,接收银行将把资金返还给北达科他州的银行.
  4. 从历史上看,周转时间大约是一周, 包括记入诺瑟克的银行账户.
  5. 在此之后,将尽快生成纸质支票.
  6. We will communicate both receipts of the bank’s report of the issue and when your paper check is available through your ag娱乐官网 student email.
  7. 为您服务, one of the most important things you can do is inform Student Accounts as soon as you realize this might occur so that we are mindful of the potential return.
是的, it should be noted that the contents of the above frequently asked questions should not be understood as a guarantee of a future student refund. 收到学生退款取决于许多因素,包括, 但不限于:学时, 开课日期, 以前收到过学生退款, 助学金颁发日期,包括直接学生贷款, 收到第三方付款的日期.
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